
Takeda is a global pharmaceutical company with a 235-year history of operation. It produces a drug named Cardiomagnil.


Cardiomagnil is the major over-the-counter drug produced by Takeda Pharmaceuticals. Cardiomagnil protects the heart and vessels from blood clot formation.

Work Stages

concept → prototyping → design → medical articles → online test → video → printed booklets → adaptive web design → programming → testing → context advertising campaign


To offer a creative website concept and raise awareness of this essential drug among two target audiences:

— Men 65+ years of age, who tend to use drugs prescribed by a doctor;
— Men 45 to 65 years of age, who never think about the problem, but already have symptoms and tend to entrust their health to a wife, daughter, or sister.

To teach people to take Сardiomagnil on a daily basis as prescribed.

Kardiomagnil Gives You Time

Blood clots are bad. In most cases, they form due to rupture of atherosclerosis plaques, which build up for years and obstruct the blood flow. When a person reaches 50, the risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke develops, but most men do nothing about it.

Why does it happen and what Сardiomagnil has to do with that?

Сardiomagnil is based on acetylsalicylic acid, which thins the blood and prevents blood clot formation. But it only works if you take Сardiomagnil regularly — every day. Responsibly. Without missing a single pill.

Our target audience is not easy to deal with. Adult men do not look after their health, rarely visit doctors, and are reluctant to take drugs.

This is why the website should not only tell about the drug, but also help change the behaviour of people in the risk group.

Website design and facts

The home page first screen was dedicated to the product and curious facts about health, to tell more about the drug, as well as heart and vessels.

Clean and simple design and a user-friendly menu make it possible for users to navigate with ease and quickly find the information they need.


We published an educational video about blood clots and the reasons for their formation in the section «About Сardiomagnil».

It explains the way our bodies react to them, and how Сardiomagnil works, so that website visitors can see that the drug is actually efficient, even if its effect is not immediately visible.

Are you in the risk group?

Everything’s clear about blood clots and blood flow, but what does it have to do with me?

To understand if you are in the risk group, in collaboration with Takeda’s medical advisor we developed a risk test consisting of 17 questions based on the most advanced British scale QRisk.

The test gives an evaluation of cardiovascular system diseases risk along with recommendations on what to do.

Vitally Important Articles

In the Heart Encyclopaedia section, we published 10 articles prepared by us in collaboration with Takeda’s medical advisor.

People (except, perhaps, doctors) are usually reluctant to read boring articles on health and drugs, despite the fact that they contain vitally important information.

This is why we had no other choice than to make complex things simple, and to make boring things interesting and understandable.

Printed materials

The representatives of our target audience do not actively use the Internet, rarely visit doctors, and fail to take prescribed drugs on a regular basis. To reach out to them, we had to find a strong touchpoint in the real world.

We figured out why it happens so and developed two booklets — one with questions for doctor visits, the other one — for taking Kardiomagnil regularly.

One can show their care by visiting our website. It contains a booklet for your father or husband, which they can take to the doctor to ask important questions about health.


Takeda RF Digital Manager:
Ornela Krymskaya

Kardiomagnil Brand Manager:
Kseniya Manaeva

Takeda RF Medical Advisor:
Timur Novikov

Project Manager:
Tanya Nareiko

Art Director:
Ira Znosak

Sergey Gridyushko

Denis Klevitsky

Video Production:
Evgeny Bezgin

Layout and programming:
Oleg Matveenko


The website is truly light, bright and user-friendly, including for older audience.

Considering lots of positive feedback received by us, the website content turned out to be useful for our patients, and that’s the most important thing for us.

On the whole, I can say that the website conforms to all tasks the team had at hand, and has a very important social meaning.

Kardiomagnil Brand Manager:
Kseniya Manaeva