IBA Group


IBA Group is an alliance of companies developing software. One of the largest IT service providers in Central and Eastern Europe.


To create a reference project with a design concept of IBA website. As a result the client should be able to create regional websites independently.


Concept → prototyping → design → page making → programming.


IBA Group — is a world-class developer and a part of The Global Outsourcing 100, as well as a nominee of European IT & Software Excellence Awards in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, and 2013.

The company produces hardware and software of different levels of complexity, from banking data protection systems to industrial hardware. Its IT solutions are the result of profound work of top-notch engineers.


The elements used by developers like modular grid, console cursor and word highlighting laid the foundation for the creative concept. Everything is clear and to the point, no bright images and videos used to pave the direct way to making business solutions.

Symbols, console cursor and pieces of code are the graphic part with classic blue color for extra emphasis. The focus is always on the highlighted key message. Parallel separating lines serve as an element of style. The blinking cursor lets you know that everything is all set_


The first template as well as a BY language version was launched in spring 2019.

Within 3 months the client created 8 regional websites.


CEO Red Graphic:
Nadia Zelenkova

Client Service Director Red Graphic:
Red Graphic:
Tanya Rogovskaya

Art Director Red Graphic:
Ira Znosok

Creative Director Red Graphic:
Eugene Andreichuk

CTO Red Graphic:
Oleg Matveenko

Ivan Konevega

Page making:
Ivan Pasechny